"I am 58 years old. My knee problem started about 7 to 8 years ago. After exercising, my knees will be very painful, and it usually takes a week or more for the pain to subside. Thinking that it was just old age and my knees are wearing-out, I did not seek any treatment. I just took some oral supplement for joints.
Then I came across Flexiseq Gel, which I call it the 'Fandi Ahmad' Gel. Seeing that Fandi, as such a wholesome athlete, is promoting it, I decided to try it out of curiosity. I applied the gel every night for 5 days and decided to go for a jog... and Wahla! No pain after the exercise.
I have used Flexiseq for over a year now, and I so not experience much pain now. I have picked up golfing recently, and I have no problem walking for hours on the golf course!"